3D Modeling Lidar Surveying

Top Geo Serbia: Mapping Belgrade with Airborne Lidar

image of Top Geo Serbia Mapping Belgrade with RIEGL VQ-1560 II
Top Geo Serbia Mapping Belgrade with RIEGL VQ-1560 II

TOP GEO Serbia d.o.o. Beograd is a fast-growing company from Belgrade, Serbia, providing geospatial data acquisition and processing services since 2013. In 2017, the relationship between TOP GEO, BLACK LIGHT , the RIEGL authorized distributor in Serbia, and RIEGL was established for a large Serbian powerline project. Since then, the relationship between TOP GEO, BLACK LIGHT and RIEGL remains strong and impactful.

From a RIEGL blog post.

Utilizing RIEGL’s cutting-edge LiDAR technology, TOP GEO has been able to successfully complete various projects from corridor mapping to wide area mapping, and high-density mapping of urban areas. High-speed aircrafts and powerful equipment, combined with post processing services at the highest quality, allow TOP GEO to offer their services anywhere in the world – especially in Serbia, the neighboring countries and Germany. Together with LiDAR scanning, TOP GEO provides aerial imagery services at the same time. This allows them to be more efficient in post processing, and the ability to offer clients various types of final products at a competitive price. This is possible as the RIEGL VP-1 Pod, with a RIEGL VUX-1LR Laser Scanner fully integrated, can be operated on various types of vehicles. TOP GEO also provides mobile mapping services in addition to aerial surveys.

In combination of TOP GEO’s expanding and more demanding market, along with their unwithering dedication to strive for the best and discover new ways to improve their business, they are always looking for new, powerful solutions. In this case, they wanted a solution for high-density urban city mapping, as well as mapping of exceptionally wide areas – and they discovered the Dual LiDAR Waveform Processing Airborne Scanning System, the RIEGL VQ-1560 II. Based on their previous experience with RIEGL, the decision to order this high-performance dual waveform airborne LiDAR system was an easy one.

BLACK LIGHT – as the RIEGL authorized distributor in Serbia – has worked closely with TOP GEO, providing in real time the necessary support and the added value consultancy, for meeting the project requirements and expected deadlines.

In Autumn 2020, the TOP GEO team participated in a training in Horn to become familiar with the handling of the new system. The RIEGL VQ-1560 II was delivered to Belgrade mid of October 2020, where it was eagerly awaited.

TOP GEO‘s RIEGL VQ-1560 II scanner surpassed expectations during the Belgrade project. It was TOP GEO’s mission to collect high accuracy, high density and informative data for creation of vectorized topographic maps to create up-to-date spatial and urban plans. This project required data acquisition and processing of a city area in total of 565 km2. In a single flight, TOP GEO needed to obtain an ALS point cloud of a minimum 80 pts/m2 and 5cm resolution imagery. One of the main reasons the VQ-1560 II was right for the job is its ability to catch details in dense urban areas thanks to its unique forward/backward scan angle, and the tilted angle of scan lines. In addition, the VQ-1560 II’s high laser power gave TOP GEO the ability to fly high.

Peter Rieger, RIEGL Airborne Laser Scanning Business Division Manager, provides some details on the RIEGL VQ-1560 II: “This Dual LiDAR Waveform Processing System provides further increased performance and highest productivity based on a laser pulse repetition rate of up to 4 MHz resulting in more than 2.66 million measurements per second on the ground. Typical operating flight altitudes vary from less than 1,500 ft up to 12,100 ft (@ target reflectance of >20%). Laser pulse repetition rates can be tuned in steps of less than 12 kHz. In combination with different laser power modes, subtle optimization of acquisition parameters is possible in order to meet specific project requirements. These features make the instrument the most flexible choice for acquisition of scan data with an exceptionally wide range of achievable point densities and utmost data collection efficiency at the same time. The unique forward/backward scan angle of the VQ-1560 II with its large field of view of 58 degrees enables capturing data from multiple angles more effective and more accurate at high point densities. The system is equipped with a seamlessly integrated high performance IMU/GNSS unit and offers bays for the integration of two cameras.”

For the complete post CLICK HERE.

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