3D Modeling Autonomous vehicles Laser Scanning Lidar safety Technology

Test Support for Developing AV Lidar Standards

image of Test Support for AV Lidar Standards
Test Support for AV Lidar Standards

In a recent article in Laser Focus World the case for a universal set of autonomous vehicle lidar standards is made. In support of that idea Labsphere was invited to provide test support in the form of their Permaflect target systems.

In the article by Justine Murphy she notes that, “It is time for a universal set of standards for lidar systems implemented on autonomous vehicles—and Dr. Paul F. McManaman hopes to develop them.”

McManaman is a fellow of SPIE (and its former president), IEEE, and Optica, as well as a former chief scientist for the U.S. Air Force Research Lab, where he developed numerous laser detection and ranging (ladar) standards.

On April 2nd and 3rd, in Orlando FL, Labsphere will participate, with other leaders in the industry, in the initial field testing of autonomous vehicle lidar systems for the McManaman-led benchmarking project. “We are pleased Labsphere was asked to participate in this project. In addition to resources Labsphere is donating 30 Permaflect® lidar reflectance targets for the benchmarking next month.” said Greg McKee Product Marketing Manager and Chief Technologist for Labsphere.

For more information on the Permaflect targets CLICK HERE.

For the complete Laser Focus World article on test support CLICK HERE.

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