3D Modeling Lidar Surveying

Telecommunications Engineering Firm Adopts Lidar

image of subdivsion Telecommunications Engineering Firm

LightSett is a full-service telecommunications engineering firm dedicated to helping providers develop and expand their networks. They take pride in truly partnering with their clients to provide top-tier services spanning from field data collection and preliminary planning through permitting, installation, and activation. With over 40 years in the industry, LightSett has built their reputation around delivering quality projects on time and under budget.

Their secret? Embracing innovation.

While some service providers still rely on data from manual walkouts or Google Earth, LightSett is bringing their customers cutting-edge solutions. When LightSett President Scott Biron and his team ran into significant delays capturing existing conditions and creating design and permitting deliverables, they weren’t afraid to explore new technology to keep clients’ projects on track. Now, LightSett is able to consistently meet demand by kicking off projects with a winning combination of mobile or aerial LiDAR and AirWorks’ AI drafting – which, incidentally, are also the key features driving the streamlined services and GIS-enriched final deliverables drawing the attention and business of more and more service providers.


Manual walkouts have historically served as a reliable industry standard. However, experienced field techs are retiring, leaving a green workforce under pressure to turn around an increasingly higher volume of projects. In order to maintain quality while boosting efficiency, LightSett realized something had to change.

Recognizing that LiDAR could be a valuable alternative to manual walkouts, they sought out a third party for 3D site scans and data processing. While outsourcing reduced reliance on field techs and returned accurate base files, this particular process was expensive with limited potential for scaling up. Additionally, slow turnaround times were bringing work to a standstill.

For the complete article on Telecommunications Engineering Firm CLICK HERE.

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