One company is making 3D interactive maps of schools to let first responders know where to go in situations like fires or an active shooter, which could drastically reduce police response times during an emergency at a school.
From an article by Paul Nelson at KUTV.
Lawmakers say this is game-changing technology that could dramatically reshape how police train for a school-shooter scenario. However, they have to decide if they’ll prioritize funding for it, or if they’ll pay for other school security upgrades.
Earlier in 2024, the Utah School Security Task Force was approached by Digital Twin Imaging, who wanted to show how they can take a 3D map of any structure.
During a task force meeting in August, Rep. Ryan Wilcox said, “This gives an opportunity to see inside of a school and eventually to train without having to interrupt class.”
DTI uses LIDAR scanning to make interactive maps of structures. They started with churches and schools in states like Iowa. These scans can log the location of every window, every door, every door lock, every hallway and can even show first responders where water connections are.
Vice President of Tech Services Elliot Barnes said, “It gives them an entire map of the structure and all the assets that are placed throughout it and it really just gives them a wayfinding tool that helps them get from point A to point B.”
Barnes said they tested SWAT team response times in 2022 to see how quickly a team could hit their simulated target inside a school. If the team entered the school blind, the average time to target was reportedly seven minutes and 24 seconds. However, if the SWAT teams studied the interactive map for one minute before entering, the average time was under 30 seconds.
DTI offered to scan a school in Utah, and the task force chose Weber High School.
For the complete article on 3D interactive maps CLICK HERE.
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