Never standing still, the NavVis team measured the accuracy and speed of their mobile mapping system – the NavVis VLX against a terrestrial laser scanner at the Munich HQ.
One of our guiding principles here at NavVis is that we love spatial technologies. With passion and dedication, everyone in the company strives to push mobile mapping to new heights, and the benefits are felt throughout the surveying and reality capture industry.
But it’s one thing to say it; it’s entirely another thing to prove it. We’re presenting the results of a special test our technicians conducted to demonstrate how the accuracy and speed of NavVis VLX measures up against conventional terrestrial laser scanners (TLS). We used two different TLS devices, TLS Device A and TLS Device B for the sake of anonymoity.
And the results are not merely good. They’re outstanding. In the video below, you can see how we mapped an area roughly 500 sqm of our Munich HQ in just 25 minutes with NavVis VLX, compared to two hours mapping the same space using the TLS Device A. TLS Device B in combination with a total station took even longer to complete, around five and half hours.
Putting aside the key statistic of being on average 10 times faster than a TLS even on a relatively small project – benefits which accrue even further when scanning larger environments – what about the accuracy? Our findings show that 68% (one sigma) of the measurements captured with NavVis VLX lay in a range of between 0-3 mm difference compared to a TLS scan. Certainly more than satisfactory for the majority of typical scanning jobs.
For the complete story on the NavVis VLX mobile mapping system please CLICK HERE.
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