3D Modeling BIM Business Laser Scanning Lidar Surveying

Mobile Mapping System Justification

point cloud of mobile mapping system data

Think you need to wait for a case-study-worthy, big and impressive project to make the most of a mobile mapping system? Three laser scanning professionals offer their perspectives.

From NavVis.

Many laser scanning professionals want to invest in a mobile mapping system, but decide to wait for a big project before making the leap.

The logic seems solid: A system like NavVis VLX has the biggest effect when you’re capturing a 15-story parking garage, a factory, or an office building. It gets the job done so quickly that you can charge much lower rates than competitors, and maybe get a flashy case study in the process.

But that’s just one perspective on this complex issue. There are ways that you can reap benefits from a mobile mapper without waiting for that big project.

To offer some other perspectives, today we’ll focus on three laser-scanning service providers use NavVis VLX for smaller projects. Their experiences will show how the mobile mapping system speeds up their workflows, provides better data to their clients, or offer a new kind of service—all of which can change their business for the better.

TruePoint – Scanning a Doctor’s Office

TruePoint Laser Scanning has found that their mobile mapping system can save them significant time on even the smallest projects.

The firm was hired to document a 3,500 sq foot doctor’s office in Birmingham, Alabama, US. The owner already had the 2D CAD documents used to construct the building, but they needed a true as-built 3D data set for ongoing applications like facilities maintenance, operations, marketing, and any future construction work.

The scanning team opted for a hybrid workflow, using NavVis VLX to capture the interior and a terrestrial laser scanner for the building façade. The whole asset took just over 2.5 hours—one 30-minute scan with NavVis VLX, and 2 hours of work with the terrestrial device.

For the complete article CLICK HERE.

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