The mdMapper3000DμoG 3D aaS and the mdMapper1000DG 3D aaS from Microdrones will capture all angles and surfaces of your subject with a fully integrated drone array of five cameras, seamlessly working together, and integrated into the processing workflow, all backed with the power of direct georeferencing.
To demonstrate the high-quality visualizations that can be captured with these 3D systems, Microdrones has created three sample 3D models showing all angles, roofs and sides of buildings, as well as the detailed texture of all surfaces. The projects flown were the Microdrones office in Vaudreuil-Dorion, Canada, an open-mine in Northern Canada and the High Point Rockers Baseball stadium in North Carolina.
The payload on the mdMapper3000DμoG 3D and mdMapper1000DG 3D consists of an array of 5 cameras all integrated into one oblique sensor system, oriented to collect data from all angles: nadir, front, back, left and right for a combined 120mp.
The Workflow
Each mission was conducted using the Microdrones workflow of Plan, Fly, Process and Visualize. Mission and flight preparation details, as well as the flight parameters and data acquisition will be reviewed for each 3D model. All flights were performed in a single day and the data was processed in the trajectory processing module of mdInfinity to improve the accuracy of the position and attitude of sensor collected during the flight and export the EO file with no IMU gaps for each flight. The final 3D mesh was output in a .3mx format visualized in the ContextCapture web viewer.
Microdrones Canada Office
This 3D model shows the Microdrones office in Vaudreuil-Dorion, Canada. The total area of interest was 160m long by 120m wide over a flat terrain. The Data was collected in 1 flight of the mdMapper1000DG 3D, flying at a constant flight altitude of 80 meters at a speed of 3 meters per second. The duration of the flight was 20 minutes with 80×80 overlap. 2 GCP’s were used for quality control.
The 3D model precisely displays all angles, roofs and sides of buildings, as well as the detailed texture of all surfaces in the main area of interest. In a few areas of the model, shadow occurrence prevents some of the fine details and a disarray of linear angles.
Microdrones Canada Office 3D Model.
For the complete article 0n fully integrated drone mapping systems CLICK HERE.
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