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Energy Management and Mobile Mapping

image of energy management chart

In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency is key. For many institutions, managing energy consumption is a critical aspect of their operations. Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences‘ Institute of Production Engineering recently experienced a dramatic transformation in their energy management processes in their in-house production labs, thanks to the integration of NavVis technology. We sat down with Dipl.-Ing. Egbert Homeister, a representative from the university, to discuss their journey and the benefits they have gained from this innovative solution.

From an article on the NavVis blog.

The initial hurdle

“Previously, it took me 8 years with a few hundred students to get an idea of what the whole thing looks like,” Egbert shared. “But with NavVis technology, our institute was scanned in just 26 minutes.” From the initial scan with NavVis VLX, to data processing and visualization in NavVis IVION, this staggering difference underscores the potential this solution holds for streamlining processes and gaining insights that were once slow to obtain.

Why NavVis IVION for energy management?

The decision to implement NavVis IVION stemmed from the comprehensive nature of the university’s operations. “NavVis IVION is a simple and effective way to visualize data from our existing energy management system, bringing it close to the objects and providing everyone access to this information,” Egbert explained. “We have almost the entire process chain on site, from materials and warehouse management to various manufacturing processes like milling, turning, and bending.”

This complex setup created an ideal environment for testing and implementing a robust energy management system. With NavVis IVION, the institute found a way to not only visualize their machinery in 3D but also extract critical information from it. “For us in production technology, this information is crucial and often difficult to obtain,” he noted.

Traditionally, obtaining energy consumption data involved asking production employees to prepare reports—a time-consuming task outside their primary responsibilities. NavVis IVION changes this dynamic, offering a digital, self-service approach that tailors information to specific needs.

For the complete article CLICK HERE.

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