3D Modeling Autonomous vehicles Markets

Cadillac Invested in Mapping

Cadillac may be late to the game, but with their new Super Cruise option they are the only automaker who can claim that they have a truly hands-off, semi-autonomous system. Besides GM ranks at the top of the recent driverless research study.

Cadillac’s lawyers decided early on that they needed a detailed map database as the starting point for the implementation of their Super Cruise option. They hired Ushr (ever heard of them?) to map all 130,000 miles of U.S. and Canadian interstate highways to a resolution of less than four inches. (This project has been rumored for a couple of years. Looks like it’s not a rumor anymore.) China is supposed to be done as well.

For a detailed look at some of the features of the system be sure to watch the video. This is by far the most sophisticated system available to the public today. If you do not pay enough attention it will eventually slow the car down and call On Star. Also, it can only be used on limited access highways. It shuts itself off when that is not the case.

I wonder if the transportation agencies are going to be given the opportunity to acquire this map database.




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