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3D Positional Uncertainty and Accuracy Webinar Recap

Accuracy vs. PrecisionTargets 3D Positional Uncertainty
3D Positional Uncertainty

The webinar on 3D positional uncertainty and accuracy seemed to be well received. There was an excellent level of registrations. Attendance was good and the request for additional information were amazing.

For those who were unable to register click here for a link to the recording.

A few more thoughts from Dennis Milbert and yesterday’s blog on standards and specifications.

“Specifications distill the experience of procedures that have been followed which produced surveys of particular qualities. And, different types of instrumentation and different survey techniques give rise to different specifications. Let us now consider what these statements mean.

Specifications are rules of thumb, combined with studies of error propagation. They cannot cover all the special cases and exceptional circumstances that may arise in a survey. Consider the following quotation (Federal Geodetic Control Committee, 1975: page 3):

“Although there is no absolute guarantee that a particular standard will be met if all slated specifications are followed, it is reasonably certain that the closures in length and position will be about one—half that stated for a particular standard.”

From the first half of the quote we see that one may diligently follow the specifications and still fail to meet the desired standard. The second half of the quote refers to a safety margin built into the specifications. Due to this safety margin, one may fail the specifications and still meet the desired standard. We see that specifications do not guarantee that one will either meet or fail to meet a standard.”

If your organization would like to sponsor an educational webinar please contact us. If you are interested in the entire Milbert paper please send me an email – gene.roe@lidarnews.com


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