Two separate articles a year ago referred to the use of 3D laser scanning to improve one’s health. In the first case it was in support of the shape of an infant’s head and the second better design of hearing aids.
From an article by Jordan Verdadeiro at West Dakota Fox
Any abnormalities in a child will be scary for a parent. There are a set of twins from Harvey who were born healthy, but who’s heads began to flatten. Jordan Verdadeiro spoke with the family and a certified orthotist who is helping get these baby boy’s head shape back how it should be.
This is Bausten and Huxley, and these twins are in cranial remolding helmets. Their father, Cayle Paulson says they were born two months early.
“They spent their first five weeks in the nic-u here in Bismarck, so through time at home and sleeping on their back, they slowly kind of developed a flatness on the back of their head,” said Paulson.
It’s also known as helmet therapy, it’s given to children who suffer from flattening on the occipital sides of their heads. “You’re alarmed and of course as a parent, you want to make sure you’re doing the right thing.”
Paulson says at first he didn’t know if it was necessary but found it has been painless and protective. “And once we get them into the helmet, as their head is growing at such a rapid rate it corrects inside the helmet,” said Todd Jasper, orthorist at CHI St. Alexius.
“Eighty percent of the cranial growth happens by one year, so we like to get them into a helmet between 4.5 and six months,” he said.By using a 3D laser scanning device, Jasper is able to review 3-D data that can be reviewed in multiple plains.
“Most parents come back in one week and are pretty excited and say this isn’t as bad as I thought and I could see a correction already.”
Paulson says this has assured him and his wife they are doing the right thing to make sure their boys a perfect beginning. Jasper says the 3D laser scanning takes about 1.5 seconds and the initial evaluation at CHI St. Alexius Health is free.
From an article in KDLT News Today
At Sound Decision they have technology that is makes doing 3D scans of the ear for hearing devices easier than ever before.
“It’s called the Odoo scan,” said Sound Decision Audiologist Paul Brueggeman.
This 3D laser scanning creates a 3-d image of your ear in a matter of minutes.
“It uses a combination of a high-speed camera and a laser to take very precise imagery shots of the inner ear canal and the outer part of the ear,” said Dr. Brueggeman.
Patients can see their ear being re-created right in front of them.
Dr. Brueggeman said the old way of creating an earpiece was liquid silicone that was placed in a person’s ear to create a hard mold.
Experts say this new way is less intrusive. The clinic has only had the scanner since January, but Dr. Brueggeman thinks it is here to stay.
“I don’t see us going back to going back to doing physical silicon impressions,” said Dr. Brueggeman. “I believe this is going to be the clinical standard.”
For a video click here.
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