3D Modeling AI AR/VR Laser Scanning Technology

3D Laser Scanner for Smart Glasses and HUD

image of 3D Laser Scanner for Smart Glasses
3D Laser Scanner for Smart Glasses

Infineon has developed a 3D laser scanner for smart glasses and automotive head-up displays (HUD) that combines a MEMS mirror and driver. Companies and component suppliers are positioning for smart glasses to be the next generation of display devices for mobile phones. For Infineon, the scanner can also be using to add augmented reality displays to automotive systems, boosting production volumes and driving down costs.

From an article in eeNews by Nick Flaherty.

TriLite is handling the system integration and control algorithms that enhance the optical performance of the system. Both companies combine several years of research in optical MEMS and mass manufacturing capabilities.

The latest version has a volume of 1.6 cm³ and weighs 3.1 g with a field of view (H x V) of 40° x 20° for the 960 x 480 display. Three laser sources are combines with 10bit colour depth on the one 2D mirror with 90MHz raster scanning.

Infineon says the low power consumption of the MEMS scanner chipset means small batteries can easily be integrated into the frame, allowing the glasses to be worn conveniently throughout the day without the need to frequently recharge the batteries.

“Augmented reality solutions enrich real environments with valuable digital data and help people to move around more conveniently and safely in daily life, for business and leisure activities, but especially on the street,” said Charles Chan, head of Infineon’s automotive MEMS product line. “Maps, infotainment or messages projected on everyday glasses guide people to the nearest supermarket or shared car park around the corner. Overlaying valuable information, from route navigation to driver assistance systems, over the car’s complete windshield, instead of just over a small area in front of the driver, is a major step ahead for improving driving safety and convenience.”

For the complete article on the 3D laser scanner CLICK HERE.

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