If you are not aware, Lidar News is hosting an educational webinar today at 2PM EDT on the subject of specifying 3D accuracy. This important event is co-sponsored by Paracosm and the USIBD. To register click here.
A lot of work has gone into the preparation of the material for this webinar. I am sure you are going to want to take advantage of this. Even if you can’t attend, if you register you will receive a link to the recorded session so that you can watch it on demand.
The issue of determining the 3D accuracy of a point cloud is a complicated one. Beginning with the black box nature of laser scanners and the lack of standards for specifying the accuracy of a scanner, one of the major problems today is that service providers are promising levels of accuracy that are similar to the control surveys being used to check the results. This is violating a basic principle of surveying since it is not possible to determine the source of the error. Is it in the point cloud or the control?
The issues are further compounded when you add in the use of SLAM – simultaneous location and mapping. Amir Rubin, the Founder of Paracosm and the developer of the PX – 80 will provide his insights on the development of the product and how they are approaching the issue of 3D accuracy.In addition, Kevin Kianka from Haag Technical Services will discuss the USIBD’s Level of Accuracy and Level of Development specifications. These valuable documents are resulting in increased productivity for service providers and less risk.
We have important best practices and insights that we will provide in this webinar to help you address the issue of specifying 3D accuracy. Please be sure to register.
Note – If you liked this post click here to stay informed of all of the 3D laser scanning, geomatics, UAS, autonomous vehicle, Lidar News and more. If you have an informative 3D video that you would like us to promote, please forward to editor@lidarnews.com and if you would like to join the Younger Geospatial Professional movement click here.